


Hard copy of our ISO certificate

Secoa is ISO 9001:2015 & EN9120:2018 certified

AS9120 / ISO9001:2015 exp 24/8/2026
ISO 9001 certificate expires AUG 2026

Secoa ISO 9001 2015 EN9120:2018 EXP 24-8-2026

The prefered supplier in the Aerospace Business

SECOA bv has been assessed in accordance with EN9140 and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 & EN9120:2018 by SGS Systems and Services. SGS Systems and Services Certification performed this in accordance with the requirements of EN 9104-001 2013 and is accredited under the Industry Controlled Other Party for the following activities:

  • Advice
  • Storage
  • Distribution
  • Purchase
  • Sales of sealants, coatings, adhesives, lubricants, cleaners, application equipment, and other related products for the Aviation, Aerospace, Defense, and other related industries.

For more information about our quality system or other related quality questions, please contact us at quality@secoa.nl.

Purchase Terms and Conditions

Secoa’s Purchase T&C:

  • A certificate of conformance from the supplier and the manufacturer, which shall be added to each shipment.
  • An analysis certificate, if applicable.
  • A recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) & Technical Data Sheet (TDS).

Approval of:

  • Products and services.
  • Methods, processes, and equipment.
  • The release of products and services.

Competence, including any required qualifications of personnel.

Meeting SECOA’s requested targets, surveys, and KPIs (e.g., OTD & Product quality and conformance). SECOA will be monitoring these performances.

An up-to-date Quality Management System.

To prevent the use of suspected unapproved, unapproved, and counterfeit parts.

To be notified of any changes to processes, products, or services, including changes of external providers and locations of manufacturers.

Ensuring that personnel are aware of:

  • Their contribution to product or service conformity.
  • Their contribution to product safety.
  • The importance of ethical behavior. And that the competence of personnel, as applicable, meets the requirements of SECOA’s Purchase Order Service or Products Ordered.

Unless indicated otherwise for each product, the quality record retention period shall be at least ten (10) years following termination or obsoletion.

Notification of nonconforming product / changes in product definition

All deviations from requirements/specifications (nonconforming products) shall be reported in writing to SECOA before shipment. Shipment will wait for further action if defined by SECOA.

Upon first delivery and/or when significant subsequent quality or quantity modifications of the composition of the product or the preparation occur, the supplier shall provide SECOA, even when not requested, with the information and safety data sheet needed to evaluate the risks, take security measures, and safely use the product or the preparation.

In case the product characteristics and/or the production process have been changed since the last delivery, SECOA shall be informed in writing before shipment. The supplier will proceed with shipment after obtaining SECOA's written approval

Right of access

SECOA's representatives, their customers, and relevant regulatory authorities will have the right to access all supplier facilities involved in the order and to all applicable records in order to survey and/or verify any aspect of conformance of supplies with the relevant quality and/or contractual requirements.

The requirements mentioned in the purchasing documents, applicable to the sub-tier suppliers/subcontractors of the supplier, shall be passed on by the latter, including key characteristics where required.

Secoa's Code of Conduct


Secoa follows the standard in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in industry. As a purchaser of a variety of products and services, we aim to integrate sustainability in our supply chain by sourcing products and services that minimize our environmental footprint and have a positive social impact. We seek to jointly create value with our suppliers based on mutual trust, transparency, joint innovation, and knowledge sharing.

Purpose & Scope

This Code is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact as well as related international standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, the Core Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. By adopting this Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Code”), Secoa set forth their expectations for all suppliers conducting business with Secoa (the “Supplier(s)”).
We recognize that many of our Suppliers operate in different legal and cultural environments throughout the world, and that reaching the standards established in this Code is a dynamic process. Suppliers are therefore encouraged to continuously improve their operations and move from Code compliance towards Code leadership. Secoa are willing to assist suppliers in this process.
In addition, Suppliers are expected to promote the standards in this Code to their own supply chain partners.

Human Rights & Labor conditions

-Non-discrimination and fair treatment

The Supplier shall not discriminate, and shall promote equal opportunity, in hiring and employment practices,
including wages, on the grounds of criteria such as of ethnic origin, color, religion, gender, age, physical ability, national origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation, union membership, medical condition, or marital status.
Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. Mental or physical coercion or punishment, or threat of physical abuse or punishment, any kind of sexual or other harassment and other forms of intimidation are prohibited.

-Forced labor

The Supplier must under no circumstances use, or in any other way benefit, from any form of work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty such as the use of physical punishment, confinement, threats of violence as a method of discipline or control.

-Child labor and decent work for young workers

The use of child labor by the Supplier is strictly prohibited. No child below 15 years old is allowed to work, subject to exceptions allowed by the ILO. In case child labor is identified, the Supplier must take appropriate action to responsibly manage the removal of child labor from its business in a way that is in the best interest of the child. If the Supplier employs young people between the ages of 15 and 18, the Supplier must treat them with particular consideration. They shall not perform work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to jeopardize their health, safety, or morals.

-Freedom of association and collective bargaining

The Supplier should grant its employees the right to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, as permitted by and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Supplier shall ensure that managers and employees have a transparent, fair, and confidential complaints mechanism in place enabling them to report workplace grievances.

Wages and Working hours

The Supplier must comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements applicable to working hours and shall compensate its employees for overtime work. The Supplier shall also provide its employees with the minimum wages and benefits, and other premium arrangements, as defined by applicable law and applicable industry standards. In any event, wages should always meet the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their basic needs. The employees shall be granted their annual leave, and sick leave, without any form of repercussion, and female employees shall be granted their stipulated maternity leave rights in case of pregnancy.

Health and Safety

The Supplier shall provide its employees with a safe and healthy workplace to prevent accidents and injury to health. The Supplier shall therefore take a proactive approach to health and safety by implementing policies, systems, and training designed to prevent accidents, injuries, and protect worker health. The Supplier shall identify and be prepared for emergency situations. The Supplier shall regularly train employees on emergency planning, responsiveness as well as medical care. Also see our HSE page.

Local Communities

The Supplier shall operate with respect for local communities and indigenous people and their rights and title to property and land. We expect our Suppliers to understand the cultural and economic context in which they are working, to operate safely and responsibly, to be mindful of the well-being of communities, and to foster positive social and economic relationships with local communities. In particular, they should ensure that the situation of vulnerable groups such as women and children is taken into account.


Secoa require their Suppliers to comply with all applicable local, national and international environmental legislation.
Suppliers shall adopt a proactive approach towards minimizing environmental impacts. They are expected to have an environmental management system in place, based on international standards such as ISO 14001 or comparable, designed to identify, control and mitigate significant environmental impacts.
Waste of resources and materials, including energy and water, should be reduced or eliminated by practices such as modifying production, maintenance and facility processes, materials substitution, conservation, recycling and re-use.
The use of natural resources in products and services should be reduced, by proactively searching for sustainable and/or renewable alternatives.


Secoa expects its Suppliers to comply with all applicable international, national, and local laws and regulations, to strive to adhere to international and industry standards, and to uphold high standards of integrity, transparency, and governance. The Supplier declares it forbids the offer or payment of bribes to its customers or to the business associates of its customers. The Supplier also declares it forbids its employees to request or accept bribes, whether for their benefit or that of their families, friends, associates, or acquaintances. Suppliers should avoid any apparent or actual conflicts of interest and are expected to communicate to their Secoa counterpart any situation that may appear as a conflict of interest.

Monitoring & Enforcement

When requested, the Supplier shall report, to be performed by a third party appointed by Secoa and at the supplier’s expense, about its compliance with and progress regarding the standards in this Code. The Supplier shall complete this assessment to the best of its abilities. Should the Supplier, in conclusion of the self-assessment, not meet the standards in this Code, the Supplier will implement a corrective action plan and timeline to effectively and promptly improve the level of performance. The Supplier agrees that its premises, facilities, and its compliance may be audited at any time by Secoa and/or its representatives, including third parties appointed by Secoa.

ISO 9001 | EN9120 | Environment | Code of conduct |